
Raw Food – Natural Detox with Living Foods

Eating Raw Food, is it just another trend in the health conscious communities? How can eating unprocessed, uncooked foods help with the body’s natural abilities to detox? In this article we dive into the health benefits of raw food and how we implement it into the concept of detox.

The Abundance of Nature in Bali

The nature in Bali is abundant throughout the whole year, which is definitely a blessing for anyone who is conscious about healthy eating and lives on or visits our tropical island. There is a huge variety of fruits and vegetables, common and exotic, which are worthy to put on our plates. Did you know that strawberries grow in Bali? Have you seen avocados and mangoes actually hanging from trees? The mountain area around Bedugul, where we get our supplies from, is famous for farming and is well worth a visit. Whenever you have the chance walk around in nature, take the time to notice what is actually growing on the island and let yourself be inspired about the rich varieties of fresh foods that could be on your plate in its raw form. Having this easy access to high quality living foods made Bali destined to become a hotspot for healthy eating.

What is Raw Food?

Eating raw food means, only taking in fresh, uncooked, plant-based foods. The main staples are fruits and vegetables, sprouts, seeds and nuts. Some raw foods are mildly processed such as through fermentation to make Kimchi, sauerkraut or coconut yoghurt or dehydration to store fruits and veggies such as pineapples, papaya or tomatoes.

When we speak about raw foods for detox, we keep the main focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, only add small amounts of nuts and seeds to the diet and avoid dehydrated products. These lighter raw detox foods help to take in high-vibe foods that are filled with plenty of nutrients, contain a lot of water and prana, life-force. These foods are easy to digest and metabolize, so the digestive system can focus on detoxing efficiently.

The Raw Food Movement

The Raw Food movement has become very popular in the last years and its advocates rave about having more energy, better digestion and metabolism, getting rid of chronic diseases, having clearer minds, optimal weight and leaving reduced impact on the environment compared to a standard Western diet eater. Eating raw as a regular diet over an extended period of time definitely requires commitment, good knowledge about nutrition and most likely various supplements for nutrients that you might not get when you eat only raw, plant based foods.

For many people, eating raw might seem boring, hard to digest and not easy to manage in daily life, but you might be surprised about the wealth of recipes online (check out The Raw Chef or The Raw Food Institute of Australia), raw food items on menus of health-conscious restaurants and raw food workshops and chef trainings that are available when you want to explore this road further.

Raw Food for Detox

The body starts naturally to detox whenever we take in less toxins than the body naturally can handle to expel. The body’s detox mechanisms do a great job day and night to keep us healthy and in balance. But our lifestyle, environment, food choices and stress levels can take a huge toll on our health and well-being. This is why a regular detox program is so helpful to press the reset button, to change unwanted habits and to improve the bodily functions. Eating natural, plant based food is a great way to naturally alkalize your body as you cut out any over-processed foods, refined sugar and gluten that may prevent your body from healing, renewing and energizing itself. You load yourself up with high-vibe foods straight from nature and allow your body to thrive.

When a classical juice cleanse seems too challenging for you, going raw is an ideal alternative. You will have your plate filled with amazingly colorful foods, lots of variety in your meals and plenty to chew on. As with any detox, it usually takes a few days until your body adjusts to the altered diet. Most of the participants who join our detox programs actually share that they have much more energy and feel amazing during the program and after finishing their detox journey.

Detox Programs at Udara

At Udara we offer various detox programs from 2 to 30 days with either a liquid cleanse (juices, smoothies, soups) or raw food. You can choose whatever detox program suits you best. In all programs, we include various “detox helpers” such as natural supplements to bind toxins and boost your vitamin & mineral intake, colon cleanse, daily movement & yoga classes to get your lymph moving, to stretch and strengthen your muscles, meditations to clear your mind and various types of massages to relax your muscles. We provide you with support of an experienced wellness coach, a well-crafted schedule and a beautiful environment – detoxing at Udara can be easy, inspiring and life changing!

The time you spend on a detox journey means both becoming more aware about your body and what you take in to keep it healthy, but ultimately detoxing means reassessing your lifestyle choices and making long lasting changes for optimal overall health and well-being of body, mind and spirit.

Are you ready to detox with us at Udara? We are looking forward to have you here and support you on your detox journey. Our team is happy to receive your inquiries and questions.