
Detox Your Life

The Best Ideas how to Detox your Life

When you think about detox, you probably imagine yourself drinking only juices for some days to get rid of nasty toxins in the body. But what if detox could go much further than just a physical cleanse? What if this period in which many of us spend more time than usual at our homes and are in midst of changes was an amazing opportunity to detox our lives inside out?

Where do toxins come from?

Toxins can be found in the air that we breathe, in the food we take in, the beauty and cleaning products we use, the clothes we wear, the furniture we have in our house. Compared to some decades ago, there are way more toxins in our lives than former generations had to deal with. In addition to the actual pollutants in environment and food, we are dealing with high levels of “toxic stress” that makes it much harder for the body and mind to keep its healthy balance. Stress might result from pressure at work, unhealthy relationships, fear and worry about the global situation and uncertainty about our place in the world.

How to detox properly?

Our body has built in mechanisms to get rid of toxins in a natural way through the functions of liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph, skin and intestines. But detox only happens, when we take in less toxins than the body is able to expel. You have probably heard about a Juice Cleanse or Raw Food detox, which we offer here at Udara in a beautiful environment with lots of support. These are great programs to help the body get rid of excess toxins as well as some unwanted kilos! The time-out that you take for a detox is also a wonderful opportunity to reassess different areas of your life for a much more thorough cleanse beyond the physical plane.

Our different planes of existence (body, breath, energy, mind and soul – called koshas in Yogic philosophy) are intrinsically linked together. Whatever area is compromised will affect the other planes negatively at the same time. On the other hand, whatever toxin reducing and life-affirming changes you make on one level, will positively affect all the other layers.

When you think about detox, think about clearing, purging, purifying and resetting your whole life. The first time you start to detox your life thoroughly, it might be daunting to take a proper look at the areas of your life which might be toxic, out of sync and imbalanced. Detox is a journey that helps you gracefully letting go of things, people and habits that do not serve you anymore. The first big “cleanup” might require quite some time and energy. A regular later check-in will help you readjust if necessary and maintain a less toxic life. You will never be able to avoid toxins completely, yet it is important both to minimize toxins and build up your natural capacity of dealing with toxins in the most efficient way.

The Benefits of Detoxing your Life

When you detox your life, you automatically create more space, feel lighter and brighter, have more energy and clarity of the mind. After a detox, it is much more likely that you will make healthier lifestyle choices and vibrate on a higher level, so that you allow new and positive new experiences to come into your life gracefully. It is like removing heavy stones from a backpack that slowed down your journey and blocked you from living your full potential. As you got so used to these stones, you actually forgot how light and free you can feel without this excess baggage!

How to start your overall detox

Choose a time when you have less work and less social commitments in order to be able to focus on the detox journey, to reflect, meditate, journal and then take the necessary actions. The different areas of your detox process will go hand in hand and support each other. Make sure you do not overwhelm yourself which too many changes at the same time. Focus on one area first until it feels more balanced, before you head on to adjust the next aspect. Freeing up stuck energy at the beginning of the process will help you stay on track.

As a preparation for your detox, visualize what it means for you, how it looks and feels like to live a healthy, clean, energized, purified and high-vibe life. Create a clear picture in your mind and connect to the feelings of a detoxified life in order to have a strong intention for your journey ahead.

Here are the Best Ideas how to Detox your Life for a healthier, happier and balanced version of yourself:

  • Physical Detox
    Detoxing your body is a milestone of your journey towards health and wellbeing. Detox programs vary between a few days or weeks in which you limit the amount of foods that you take in and at the same time support the elimination processes of the body to get rid of excess toxins. Check out our 5 different detox programs that we offer here at Udara.  A detox program will help you to overcome cravings and unhealthy eating habits, allowing you to transition to a balanced nutrition for your daily life after the cleanse.
  • Purification on the Energetic Level
    There are various purification rituals that help to free your aura and surroundings of negative or stuck energy. As a regular practice, buy a bundle of sage or palo santo sticks to smudge your energy field and home. If you live in Bali, you have the wonderful opportunity to take part in a water purification ceremony at a holy temple where you cleanse the energetic and spiritual body. Any cleanse will be more powerful if you set proper intentions or say a prayer such as “May any negative energy that I have picked up from people, places or situations be washed away and returned to mother earth to be transformed.”
  • Declutter your Space
    Take inventory of your home and declutter your space! If you do not know where to start, have a look at Marie Kondo’s the website and books. She has created an effective method of how to fundamentally tidy up. Not only you will feel great living in a decluttered home, but you will also learn to surround yourself only with things that bring you joy and make you feel good.
    You might want to go through your home room by room to declutter, or you choose different categories such as clothes, documents, sentimental items or tools to find out what does not serve you any more, what you have in excess, what you do not need and want any longer.  Do not forget to declutter your electronic items, e.g. having your files sorted neatly on your laptop, your inbox organized and unsubscribed from any newsletter that you do not read regularly.
  • Removing Toxins from your Home
    Toxins can hide in various items such as household cleaners, beauty products, furniture and the indoor air you breathe. Keep your life and the products you use regularly as natural as possible. Every improvement you make will create positive effects such as buying natural skin products, installing an air purifier or using natural fabric for clothes, towels and bedding. The scope of removing toxins from your home is quite vast. Check out this wonderful blogpost about how to improve your home situation.
  • Mental & Emotional Purification
    When you go through a detox journey, it might naturally happen that your mind becomes much clearer and your become more aware of the thoughts and emotions that are present. A purging can happen on the mental-emotional level when old pain, triggers or wounds come up and ask to be transformed and integrated. Be kind to yourself when this happens and see it as a beneficial time of release and letting go.
    Take an inventory about your thoughts and beliefs. How many of them are loving, kind and positive? How often do you sabotage yourself e.g. by as criticizing, procrastinating, avoiding or pleasing? Have a look at the website positive intelligence to assess your most common saboteurs. Training your mind to detox your thoughts, beliefs and habits is not something that is done easily, it requires awareness and the willingness to strengthen the inner muscle of your “sage”, the higher self that has a broader perspective and looks beyond past stories and triggers. Cultivating more self-love and self-worth are fundamental pillars for mental and emotional well-being.
  • Improving Toxic Relationships
    The more you detox negative thoughts, habits and beliefs and improve the relationship with yourself, the better you will be able to recognize unhealthy patterns within your relationships. Do the people that you surround yourself with support and inspire you, do they treat you with kindness and respect? Are you able to set healthy boundaries? In which moments do you allow other people to drag you down? From which people do you easily take on negative energy? If you identify a toxic person in your life, it might be necessary to minimize the contact for a while. This is true in real life but also on social media. Unfollow or unfriend anyone who does not contribute to making you feel good. The more you detox your life, the more you will feel vibrant and shining. Other people will notice the positive vibes that you send out and might even treat you differently. The stronger you are rooted in feeling good within yourself, the less you will be affected by toxicity around you.

How to support your detox process?

Imagine a detox journey like growing from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. In the middle of the journey you might feel very vulnerable and like mush. Trust the process and be patient. Reward yourself for all the positive changes you make. Treat yourself with a soothing massage, join a magical cacao ceremony or a deeply relaxing sound healing journey, practice yoga regularly, dance to your favorite music, read inspiring books or join online courses on healthy nutrition, detox and self-growth and have uplifting conversations with your beloved ones. And most of all, give yourself time for contemplation, rest and relaxation in order to refill your batteries for all the amazing adventures that await you on your journey.

Check out our offers at Udara with our daily Yoga schedule, monthly events, healthy, delicious food, Spa & Healing treatments and of course our well-crafted detox programs from 3 to 30 days. We are here to support your journey towards optimal health and wellbeing. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need any support.