Change Your Mind – Change Your Life

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! You might have heard this saying which asks us to stay optimistic and have a positive attitude when we are facing adversity or misfortune. The outlook that we have on life is clearly influencing the level of our wellbeing – mentally, emotionally and also physically. The mind-body connection is strong and undeniable, therefore you can create significant and lasting effects on your health and wellbeing by improving your state of mind.
Changing your mind becomes a valuable practice to turn whatever sourness or difficulty you experience into something positive and recognize the gifts that come with a challenging situation. In 2020, we clearly face various challenges and have to find new ways of thinking, acting and being. Let’s explore our mind and find out why the way we think is dominating so much of our quality of life.
Why is a positive mind-set so important?
With a positive mind-set, your outlook on life is a positive one and your attitude is that you expecting good and favourable results instead of negative ones. This means you have more thoughts, beliefs, images that are conducive for growth, expansion and success. Instead of being trapped in negative thinking and worrying about a challenge, a positive outlook will help you approach any given problem with the attitude of “How can I make the best of this situation?”
You may be familiar with the concept of the law of attraction, which clearly states that whatever you put your focus you will attract more of in your life – the positive as well as the negative. There is a constant stream of thoughts running through your head and whether they are mostly positive or negative determines how you look at life and how you feel, both physically as well as emotionally. Changing your mind-set means overcoming negative self-talk, limiting beliefs about yourself, about your capability and self-worth.
A positive mind-set does not mean to keep the head in the sand or put up rose-coloured glasses in order to ignore or avoid challenging and unpleasant situations in your life. You learn to focus on the things that you can control, accept the ones you have no influence on and strive to improve the situation in the best way possible while learning valuable lessons for life. Positive thinking becomes a powerful force when it is combined with conscious actions, choices and changes that you make in your life.
Good reasons to retrain our brains
For many of us, positive thinking does not come naturally and we have to consciously retrain our brains. It is never too late to reclaim our power and create new neurological pathways, no matter how young or old we are! Research shows the benefits of a positive mind-set: decreased anxiety and stress, higher levels of happiness and success, and better overall health with a stronger immune system.
How to change the mind?
Now that you got clear about the importance of the right mind-set and all the good reasons why you should shift your thinking towards a positive outlook on life, let’s see how you can get started!
Lift your energy and vibration with holistic practices such as Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, meditation, relaxation techniques, healing modalities, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine or Homeopathy. They will help you find more balance between body, mind and spirit and align you with the universal creative source. Yoga, meditation and mindfulness exercises are great to help you become more conscious about your thoughts, habits and beliefs and allow you to create more space around your thoughts and emotions, Detachment from the objects (thoughts, emotions, sensations) give way for clear perception rooted in awareness. Identifying the negative thoughts and habits is the first step for change. The more you practice, the easier it will be to catch yourself as soon as you engage in negative thoughts or habits.
Negative thoughts often come in form of negative self-talk. Observe if you repeat negative patterns such as filtering out the positive things that happen during the day, of taking things personal, anticipating the worst that could happen or categorizing the world as black bad white, good or bad. Do not say things to yourself that you would not say to another person! There are certain triggers phrases that indicate a limiting thought such as “I can’t…”, “I should”, “I always/never…”. Observe your thought stream and find positive statements to replace your old ways of thinking.
You will also notice that certain thoughts are connected to emotions. Negative thoughts can cause emotions such as hatred, anger, worry, resentment, separation, jealousy or fear. Positive thoughts can enhance feelings of love, laughter, joy, bliss, contentment, connectedness and gratitude. Surround yourself as much as possible with these high vibe energies, situations, surroundings and people that radiate on this level of vibration.
Bringing more lightness, joy and laughter into your life can help a lot to enhance your positive mind-set. Smile often, sing and dance! Seek beauty in the surrounding world, acknowledging the wonders of nature and life even in small details such as a butterfly sitting on a leaf or dew drops on the grass in the early morning. Go on a swing, climb a mountain top, watch sunsets and become that curious little child again that discovers the world for the first time with innocence and an open heart.
Changing your mind-set means also taking back control of your life. Make conscious choices of what you want, do and have in your life and who you want to be. Stop finding excuses, blaming circumstances, lack of opportunity or other people. Reconnect to your true, wise and powerful self for creating the life you want.
Stop comparing yourself to other people and stop wanting to be another person. Instead, be inspired by other people and find the traits in them that you like to integrate in your own life. What is it in other people that attracts, fascinates and astonishes you? How can you enhance these qualities within yourself?
Be the true and authentic YOU that shines the light out into the world. Spread the high-vibe positivity around and inspire other people with your actions and new ways of being. You will attract a different kind of people in your life that match your new vibration. But your change might also put other people off, irritate them and trigger feelings of jealousy or resentment. Stay away as best as you can from people with highly negative and heavy energy. But the more you are rooted in your higher frequency, the less you will be affected by negative energy.
Helping other people can also help you get out of your negative loop. Focus your attention on someone else in need and spend time to be with them, to listen, offering care and support as they go through their struggles. Concentrating on assisting others will help you more than you realize.
Read inspirational books, quotes and materials that reinforce your new, positive mind-set. Check out talks and books from Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi or Vishen Lakhiani for inspiration. The more you open your mind, the more valuable information will reach you.
And of course – plan your next visit at Udara! We strive to be a home of positivity, offering you a beautiful place to stay, Yoga and meditation classes, inspirational events, uplifting company, nourishing food, spa treatments and facilities that help you increase your wellbeing and bring your happiness to a new level.
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