
Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating Every month, experts present us new diet recommendations that promote lasting health, weight loss and peak performance. The knowledge about healthy diet consistently increases and changes with research being done in the field of nutrition, medicine and biochemistry. Nevertheless, the majority of people struggles with eating healthy and is getting confused about the […]

Qi Cultivation

Qi Cultivation Starting in March, our teacher Bella will offer a new class format called “Qi cultivation” on Tuesdays from 10.30 – 11.45 am at Udara. Do you like to know what Qi is and how we can cultivate it? Have a read of her blog article and come try out her class!

Nyepi – The Balinese Day of Silence

Nyepi – The Balinese Day of Silence The Balinese Day of Silence called Nyepi is one of the most important holidays of the Balinese Hindus. They celebrate it as their beginning new year on the first new moon in Spring. This year, Nyepi will be celebrated from 6 am on Thursday 3rd until 6 am […]

Udara’s Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in September 2021

Udara’s Aerial Yoga Teacher Training in September 2021 Guest post from Handwal Waluyo, participant of the training From 19.-26. September 2021 Udara held a 50 hours Aerial yoga teacher training at the beautiful Baruna shala on the 3rd floor with ocean view. Let’s hear from Handwal, one of the participants of the training, how he […]

Rituals & Ceremony – Anchors in an uncertain world

Rituals & Ceremony – Anchors in an uncertain world   By Martina Reinbold Why are rituals so important in our current life filled with uncertainty and change? How can they help us bring more meaning and balance into our daily lives? Balinese culture offers a rich display of rituals and ceremonies – as well as […]

Galungan – One of the most important holidays in Bali

Galungan – One of the most important holidays in Bali Throughout the year, the Balinese calendar is filled with numerous religious celebrations and the Balinese are keen to keep their traditions alive. One of the most important marks in the Balinese year is Galungan, which is celebrated every 210 days by the Hindus on the […]

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment (HBOT)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment (HBOT) Bring your health and well-being to an optimum level with a new, unique treatment facility at Udara. Udara has set up two high-quality Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers, which are available for individual treatment sessions. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing almost pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to treat various health […]

How To Detoxify In Your Workspace

How To Detoxify In Your Workspace It’s surprising that 41% of the entire global workforce could be considering handing in their resignation in the midst of a pandemic. According to the World Economic Forum, the shift to remote work and the reliance on tech-based communications has triggered digital burnout all around. Strikingly, many business leaders […]

The Wonders of Aerial Yoga

The Wonders of Aerial Yoga By Martina Reinbold, Head of Yoga, Detox & Spa Have you ever tried Yoga with a suspended silk hammock supporting your yoga poses? Aerial Yoga is a relatively new star in the Yoga universe and since a few years it draws more and more attention. Find out in this post […]

The Importance of Relaxation

The Importance of Relaxation Do you know that feeling of having so much to do that it’s hard for you to slow down? Is there so much happening around you that your often fear of missing out something when you just stay at home to chill? Do you have a hard time unwinding from the […]