
Special Event Breathwork for Trauma Release & Manifestation (2 Hours)


13.30 – 15.30 PM

Class Description

with Edwin Tan

This special event is FOR YOU if you like to:

  • Improve your breathing  
  • Break old patterns
  • Manifest the life you desire
  • Release negative emotions and trauma stored in the body
  • Reinvent yourself and new beginning
  • Improve your power of attraction
  • Jumpstart your creativity and inspiration

You will experience various modalities of breathing, from ancient to scientific ones such as Pranayama to conscious connected breathwork with controlled breath holds and Transformation Breathwork. 

About the facilitator: 

Edwin Tan is an experienced Holistic Healing Teacher. His teaching of Self-Healing combines transformation mindset, daily mindfulness and manifestation tips, the practices of breathwork, meditation, yoga, qi gong, sound healing, and other combinations of scientific and holistic healing practices. 

He is an experienced yoga, meditation and qigong teacher as well as sound healing facilitator. He is also a mindfulness life coach and a practitioner of breathwork and brainspotting with a focus on trauma healing. His vision is to see more and more people living their fullest potential. He has helped thousands of people to breathe comfortably and transform their lives.

Pre-sale ticket: 450K* / 400K** IDR | At the door: 550K* / 500K** IDR

*) Regular Price | **) Locals, KITAS holders and in-house guests

Limited access for 18 persons. Pre-booking required.


Jul 20 2024


1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

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