Special Event Kundalini Activation Process (2 Hours)
13.00 – 15.00 PM
Class Description
with Marika Daya
This is NOT Kundalini yoga! Come experience this remarkable energy transmission that is Kundalini Activation Process. Join International KAP facilitator Marika Daya (The Netherlands) for this beautiful, life-changing experience.
This will be a 2 -hour workshop and energy transmission of raw Kundalini life-force energy meant to activate and further the awakening process inside you. No prior experience of any sort is necessary. All you need is an openness to receive and the will to surrender.
KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process. It is a direct energy transmission that activates the awakening of your Kundalini Shakti… the latent, divine, healing energy inside every human. Once awakened, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system begins to happen, and will continue with repeated exposure. This rewiring enables a deep emotional and spiritual healing that is so often unattainable via other methods.
When raw Kundalini life force awakens within you and you feel it moving through your spine you are on a path to uncover your truest, your most powerful and divine version of yourself. The energy burns up the stored blockages within your energy system, it leads you to transcendence and moves you into in higher states of consciousness. It’s a path of rebirth, love and surrender.
You lie down on a mat and some music is played. At times the facilitator will touch or press some of the chakras or meridian points on your body and at other times she will simply hold or move her hands above you. That’s what happens externally. Internally, a wide range of phenomenon can occur… from spontaneous movements, to emotional catharsis, lights and visuals or feelings of bliss. Some consider it a purifying experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations, and release can happen physically, mentally, energetically, and emotionally. It’s truly beyond anything words can explain – just come and experience the magic!
More info on Kundalini Activation Process: IG @kap_bali
Pre-sale ticket: 550K* / 500K** IDR | On the door: 600K* / 550K** IDR
*) Regular Price | **) Locals, KITAS holders and in-house guests
– Limited access for 18 persons. Reservation is required.