
Healing Treatments

Here at Udara, we believe in a holistic healing process that starts not just in the body, but also in your mind and spirit. We have full range of healing modalities from Acupuncture, Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Treatment, Water Healing, all the way to Sound Healing, Chakra Healing and Breathwork.

Udara team will be more than happy to chat with you to suggest the best healing treatments for your needs.

Contact us for more information & bookings


Sound Healing Journey


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment (HBOT)


Water Massage


Water Healing Treatment




Balinese Chakra Healing





Healing Breathwork

Psychological Counselling

Theta Healing

Healing for Trauma Release & Manifestation

Light & Sound Immersion

3 Day Healing Program for Trauma Release
& Manifestation


Healing for Trauma Release & Manifestation


Tarot Healing Session


Ionic Detox Foot Bath

Psychological Counselling

Private session with Hanna Winkler

Expressing your emotions and verbalising your thought processes can aid in finding clarity and emotional relief. Every psychological counselling session offers you the space to share your thoughts, doubts and fears in a safe space. A space to be listened to and offered advice on how to integrate & deal with turbulent emotions and times in your life. 

Hanna has a master’s degree in psychology, trained in the Western systems to foster mental & emotional well-being. Furthermore, her approach also integrates Eastern influences of mindfulness, meditation and how the gateway through the body can help shift your state towards inner peace and freedom.

Price: 120 USD
Duration: 75 min
*including Tax & Service Charge

Theta Healing

Private session with Hanna Winkler

The modality of Theta Healing is a unique way to reprogram the subconscious mind and integrate challenging experiences of the past in a very effective way. This state is different from hypnotherapy - you remain conscious of what you say and hear at all times.

During a session, you will be guided into the relaxing Theta brainwave. A state in which underlying patterns become apparent: The connections of your thoughts to your emotions (stored in the body) leading to (re)actions, will get first of all identified and then addressed. 

From there, Hanna will guide you to work on a specific feeling and/or belief system that you want to upgrade. Sessions have immediate effects of changing the way you feel, act and ultimately the situations you draw into your life.

Hanna has a Psy. M (Master’s degree in Psychology) and is a certified practitioner of Theta Healing®. She works with calm, deep focus and precision.  

Price: 120 USD
Duration: 75 min
*including Tax & Service Charge

Healing Breathwork

Private session with Gus Wira

Gus Wira is one of the most experienced local breathwork and energy healers in Bali. His private sessions can be a real catalyst to remove blockages on the energetic and emotional level, improve breathing capacity and release unfavourable breathing patterns. After an initial check-in, Gus will choose various breathing exercises to oxygenate the body, liberate universal life energy and bring you into a quantum state, in which the body can heal itself. Negative patterns can be transformed and consciousness can expand to reach deep states of clarity and harmony.

Price: 120 USD
Duration: 90 min
*including Tax & Service Charge


Ongoing 20% Discount

In a Reiki session, the practitioner transfers energy through their hands by placing them over or on various body parts. To receive the session, you are comfortably lying on a massage bed, fully clothed. The universal Reiki energy can help improve energy flow in the body, induce deep relaxation, balance emotions and speed up the body’s natural healing processes. It is a subtle healing modality that treats the whole person including body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Normal Price : 65 US$  After Discount : 52 US$

Duration : 60 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Balinese Chakra Healing

Ongoing 20% Discount

Boost your Self-Confidence by balancing your Chakras and get a Balinese blessing ceremony
What lies behind us and what lies before us is a small matter compared to what lies within us. Our Chakras are located at certain points in the human energy body. Their role is to regulate and create energy in order to synergize with a person's physicality so that the person can move and think well. If a chakra is blocked or imbalanced, there can be weakness, confusion, boredom, lack of enthusiasm and even diseases may arise.
The healer will connect to the energy of the universe and transfer it to the participants' body, so he or she starts to relax more and more. During the Chakra healing process the healer gently massages various nerve points, helps to stretch stiff muscles and cleanses each chakra with meditation and mantra chanting. Crystals will be placed on each chakra point, which work to neutralize imbalanced energies and support the mantra of each chakra. Singing bowls will be played to provide a peaceful, serene and calm energy in the body and mind.

Normal Price : 250US$ After Discount 200US$

Duration : 90 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Physical Therapy

Ongoing 20% Discount

Through physical therapy you can improve quality of life through personalized rehabilitative exercises. They address areas where your regular ability to move or function is limited or where there is localized pain or discomfort around a joint or specific part of the body.

Assessment and examination can help to create a clear picture of the underlying issue, thereafter, creating a treatment plan to improve your ability to move, reduce or manage pain, restore natural function, and prevent further damage. 

by Kirk Douglas

Price : 100 US$ After Discount : 80 US$

Duration : 60 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Sound Healing Journey

Ongoing 20% Discount

Simply lie down and close your eyes to receive the sounds in this private healing journey. The sounds of Tibetan singing bowls and various other instruments such as tuning forks, chimes and bells help you to slow down your brain waves and relax deeply. Sound healing is based on the principle that everything is vibration and that sound can help us to realign with our natural harmonic state of being.

The sounds will help release blockages on physical, emotional and energetic level, increase a sense of wellbeing and expand your consciousness. If you wish, the sound healing practitioner will also place singing bowls on your body, so you can actually feel the vibration traveling through your body. Essential oil sprays will further enhance your multi-sensory experience which can have profound effects on your journey towards balance between body, mind and spirit.

Read more on our blog about Sound Healing

Normal Price : 120 US$  After Discount : 96 US$ / 1 - 2 Persons

Duration : 60 - 75 Minutes Session

*including Tax & Service Charge

Optimum Nutrition Consultation

Ongoing 20% Discount

Optimum Nutrition is a revolution in health care. It means giving yourself the best possible intake of nutrients to allow your body & mind to be as healthy as possible for life & longevity.

The aim of this personalized consultation is to help you improve your health and emotional well-being, help balance your hormones, balance blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, boost your immune system and decrease inflammation which leads to disease. You will receive personal guidance for healthy, sustainable eating habits and lifestyle changes based on your health and fitness goals.

by Kirk Douglas

Price : 100 US$ After Discount : 80 US$

Duration : 60 - 70 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment (HBOT)

Buy 10 Sessions, Get 2 for Free! 

Bring your health and well-being to an optimum level with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This new treatment involves breathing almost pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to treat various health conditions and improve quality of life. During this treatment your lungs can gather much more oxygen than would be possible breathing oxygen at normal air pressure. Increasing your oxygenation levels has shown to be important for our health, vitality and longevity. Book your session now to accelerate your recovery and performance while you lie back and relax.

Read about HBOT or click the link below to learn more. 

Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Treatment.pdf

Normal Price : 70 US$

Duration : 60 - 90 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Water Massage

Ongoing 20% Discount

Enter into the 35-degree warm pool of our Spa facilities to receive a unique massage session floating on the surface of the water. This treatment combines gentle stretches with acupressure massage to release muscular tension, increase range of motion and relieve pressure from joints. Floating pillows allow you to completely let go and soft underwater music will help you relax deeply. Receiving bodywork and healing touch in warm water truly brings your Spa experience to the next level. 

Normal Price : 70 US$ After Discount : 56 US$

Duration : 60 Minutes

*including Tax & Service charge and free access to Spa Facilities with sauna, steam room, warm and cold pools.

Tarot Healing Session

Do you feel uncertain about your next steps in life, wanting to find out more about your purpose or what you are here for? Are you searching for clarity in your relationships or the matters of love? 

The Tarot helps you to shed some light onto your situation and brings clarity on how to move forward. As a tool for personal introspection, the Tarot allows you to look at your life – and the situations you may find yourself in – in a very different light.

Within a reading the Tarot will help to translate the hidden language of your soul. You will receive answers about your path and how to move forward into manifesting your truest heart´s desire. The cards serve as a bridge to translate the hidden language of your soul, reveal obstacles and also how to overcome them. 

by Verena

About Verena

Tarot came into Verena´s life when she was 23. That's when she got her first reading. She was blown away about how precise the cards were and on how good she felt after the reading. This intrigued her and she started to learn how to read Tarot for others.

Verena is an incredibly intuitive reader and her sessions are also influenced by her vast knowledge of Astrology, Numerology, Energy Healing and Psychosomatic Therapy. Her clients describe her sessions like a veil that has lifted, giving them a greater sense of clarity, self-empowerment and trust in their path.

Price : 120 US$

Duration: 60 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge

Water Healing Treatment

Ongoing 20% Discount

The Water Healing treatment at Udara can be one of the most memorable and unique experiences you have ever had. The therapist will support, hold and move your body in the warm water pool, drawing from Aquatic Bodywork modalities such as Watsu, Water Dance or Healing Dance. Moments of stillness alternate with rhythmical flowing movements, which free the whole body and the mind. We recall our cellular memory of being born in water and come back to our natural, effortless flow. This healing treatment creates deep relaxation and promotes physical benefits such as releasing muscular tension and mobilizing the joints. It also helps to improve your energy flow and release emotional blockages. The sense of weightlessness can induce higher states of consciousness with meditative stillness, expansion and sensations of bliss.

Normal Price : 120 US$  After Discount : 96 US$

Duration : 60 - 75 Minutes

*including Tax & Service Charge and free access to Spa Facilities with sauna, steam room, warm and cold pools.


Acupuncture has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain points in the body to treat many types of health conditions and improve overall wellness. 

Acupuncture is based on the belief that energy (Qi) flows through the body in channels called meridians. An imbalance or blocked flow of this life force may lead to illness. There are hundreds of acupoints in the body along the 14 major meridians. According to your condition, the therapist will chose various points on your body for needling. An acupuncture session may help to reduce pain, headaches, muscular tension and relieve stress. These treatments aims to improve the flow of Qi and help the body heal itself naturally. 

Price: 65 USD
Duration: 45 – 60 min
*including Tax & Service Charge


Cupping therapy is one of the oldest therapies in the world, going back to ancient Egypt scriptures from 1550 BC and is still widely practiced in modern times, mainly by Chinese medicine practitioners. Before and after a short massage of the body parts to be treated, the therapist places cups on your back, stomach, arms or legs and a vacuum will pull the skin upward and the blood vessels expand. The purpose of the therapy is to release muscle tension, remove exogenous pathogens and help the body release body toxins to regain balance.

Price: 65 USD
Duration: 45 – 60 min
*including Tax & Service Charge

Ionic Detox Foot Bath

The ionic detox foot bath is a gentle and safe therapy that uses negative ions to cleanse the body of toxins. The ions in the water of the foot bath hold a charge that enables them to bind to any heavy metals and toxins in your body, similar to how a magnet works. This process helps to make the body’s pH more alkaline, hydrates and oxygenates the cells, increases cellular absorption through the effects of cellular cleansing and improves circulation. While you soak your feet in ionized, warm & salty water, the soles of the feet will be gently relaxed by continuously turning massage rollers.

Price: 18 USD
Duration: 45-60 min
*including Tax & Service Charge

3 Day Healing Program for Trauma Release & Manifestation​

Private session with Edwin Tan

The truth is that any kind of trauma (childhood/ present, light/deep) is not just “in your head”. It  imprints on your body. If you don't release it, sooner or later the negative patterns i.e. fear, guilt or anger will affect your daily life and block your goals.

Through this special therapy, Edwin has helped many people globally to heal trauma that has been stored in the body, break old patterns and manifest a new life.

This session is the combination of scientific healing - brainspotting (a new form of psychotherapy) and holistic healing - medical Qigong and transformation breathwork. 

You will feel like having a 'new body' after the session, then manifestation will flow to you with ease.


Transformation Breathwork is a direct application of conscious, connected breathing. For about an hour, you lie on your back and sustain a full and flowing breath. Transformational breathing is an active form of meditation whereby the breath is manipulated mechanically at a rapid rate. 

This breathwork will be combined with the healing qigong to balance the yin and yang energy in the blocked meridian in the body.


Brainspotting is a new form of therapy that aims to help clients process through difficult emotions or unprocessed traumatic experiences. In brainspotting, different eye positions are used to help identify “brainspots” linked to certain experiences, emotions, or sources of distress.

Brainspotting therapy involves one to three sessions of using eye position, mind-body awareness, and mindfulness exercises to help clients overcome issues like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

About the facilitator: 

Edwin Tan (@buah.meditasi) is an experienced Holistic Healing Teacher. His teaching of Self-Healing combines transformation mindset, daily mindfulness and manifestation tips, the practices of breathwork, meditation, yoga, qi gong, sound healing, and other combination of scientific and holistic healing practices. 

He is an experienced yoga, meditation, qigong, sound  healing. He is also a mindfulness life coach. He is also a practitioner of breathwork and brainspotting that focus to heal the trauma.

His vision is to see more and more people live the fullest their potential. He have helped thousands of people to breath comfortably and transform their lives. 

Price: 250 USD
Duration: 120 min (including 15 min for consultation) 
*including Tax & Service Charge


Private session with Payal Rhodes

Feeling stuck in a negative loop of thoughts, behaviors, feelings, relationships, or even situations? Or unable to live the life you'd like? Whatever the challenge, diving into your subconscious mind with hypnotherapy can help turn your life around.

Your subconscious is a pool of all your experiences and emotions since you were born. It’s where your core beliefs about the world, and especially yourself, exist. Hypnotherapy, conducted under hypnosis (a very calm state when your brain waves are at the Theta level), allows your conscious, analytical mind to take a back seat, enabling your subconscious to be accessed, understood, and healed.

Payal Rhodes is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and the founder of 1.23 Healing, a unique solution that works on both the conscious and subconscious mind for holistic and lasting change. Based between Dubai and Bali, Payal offers customized therapy that resonates with each client, believing that each person is unique and requires a personalized approach to therapy.

Price: 235 USD
Duration: 90 to 120 min
*including Tax & Service Charge

Light & Sound Immersion

Private session with Komal Kaur

Activate your pineal gland, regulate your nervous system and journey to expanded states of consciousness in this special experience featuring hypnagogic lights and sound healing. 

Harness the power of cutting-edge technology to have a transformative experience like no other. This unique approach combines art and science to create a symphony of light and sound for your mind. 

Through the process of audio-visual brainwave entrainment and brain optimisation strategies, these meticulously crafted sessions give you unlimited access to expanded states of mind and consciousness. In these states, changes in thought, belief and behaviours become easier.

This is achieved by harnessing the power of our brain's natural ability to respond to external frequencies and synchronize with them. These fully immersive visual and auditory stimulations can be tailored to specific needs including deep rest and meditation, stress and anxiety relief, creative states of flow and peak performance, expanded states of consciousness, and drug free psychedelic experiences. 

Align with your desires for your life, open the tap to expanded creativity and enjoy greater clarity within your life/business. This experience is best used for meditation, stress and anxiety relief, hypnosis, psychedelic and immersive journeys, sleep improvement, pain relief and spiritual development.

PS: Contraindication is light-sensitive epilepsy, due to the flickering nature of the lights.

Price: 200 USD for 1 person | 240 USD for 2 persons
Duration: 90 min incl. preparation & integration
*including Tax & Service Charge

Healing for Trauma Release & Manifestation

Private session with Edwin Tan

The truth is that any kind of trauma (childhood/present, light/deep) is not just “in your head”. It  imprints on your body. If you don't release it, sooner or later the negative patterns i.e. fear, guilt or anger will affect your daily life and block your goals.

Through this special therapy, Edwin has helped many people globally to heal trauma that has been stored in the body, break old patterns and manifest a new life.

This session is the combination of scientific healing - brainspotting (a new form of psychotherapy) and holistic healing - medical Qigong and transformational breathwork. 

You will feel like having a 'new body' after the session, then manifestations will flow to you with ease.

Price: 250 USD
Duration: 120 min (including 15 min for consultation) 
*including Tax & Service Charge